Saturday, January 5, 2013

Juried Show Part 1

Today I found out that BOTH paintings I submitted to the Newburyport Art Association (NAA) Winter Members Juried Show Part 1 were accepted! The show begins on Friday January 11th and runs until February 2.

Here's a sneak peek at one of my accepted works...You'll have to stop by to see my other brand new painting ;-)

You may remember this painting from the NAA Town and Beach show last summer. I hope you find time to stop by the show. Stay tuned for dates and time of the artist reception.

Thanks for visiting! 



  1. CONGRATULATIONS, Jeff!!!! That is quite an accomplishment. I will be at the reception to see your new painting...can't wait!!

  2. Thanks Robin, that means a lot! I'm pretty excited that this painting was accepted (the model is too). It was difficult for me to get something else together, but it happened. Thanks for getting me through my painters block!

  3. Robin, thanks for going last night, I really appreciate it! I Hope you had a good time! I'll have to win best in show next time!
