Sunday, September 16, 2012

Updates and Reminders!

I just wanted to remind everyone about a couple of my current shows going on as we speak...

Right now at the Newburyport Art Association I have two paintings hanging at the Fall Members Open Show. The show runs until September 22.

I also have a dozen paintings hanging at Anna Jaques Hospital to benefit the hospital's Aid Association. 30% of your purchase will be donated to the Aid Association. The show will be hanging until September 27th.

The most amazing news was my acceptance in the Frances Roddy Competition at the Concord Art Association! This was quite a surprise. I literally decided last minute what to enter into the show only to find out a day later of its acceptance. Stay tuned, I will post the pic a bit later. The show runs until October 13th.

I hope you can find time to stop by one of the shows! Thanks for reading!



  1. Congratulations on all of your recent accomplishments and sales! Wow!!

  2. Thanks Robin, it's been fun...hoping to keep the good mojo going!
