Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Here's another 9x12 pastel I just completed. This was from a beautiful location during Robin's plein air trip last fall. This morning was my favorite time of the trip. The glow was amazing. This was the same time in the morning that my painting "7AM Bridge Street-Chatham" was painted. I think the whole Cape was lit up with that amazing orange glow. I'm not sure I captured the glow as I did in "7AM" but this painting makes me happy.... I love the colors...the bold reds and greens. A beautiful reminder of an amazing weekend.

I started with a very bright red underpainting. It's hard to tell from the image of the painting, but I focused on leaving some of the underpainting showing through. Sadly, I ended up covering 90% of it. I left a little in the sky and didn't fill all the tooth of the pastel paper which is another effect I was going for. I wanted to put a stroke and leave it with minimal blending with my pastels. I was technically trying a different approach on this painting and for that I feel I accomplished what I set out to do. 

Hope you enjoy it!


  1. Another great painting, Jeff! The lighting is beautiful!!

  2. Thank you Robin. I'm glad you like it. It's so difficult not covering that underpainting! I thought I'd lose that glow, but there's still some there.
