Thursday, April 19, 2012

"From Trail to Shore" 8x10 Pastel

Here's a nice 8x10 pastel I just finished of a beautiful dune trail down to the shore in Chatham, MA. I shot this photograph while on Robin's Plein Air Workshop last fall. It was a beautiful morning, a tad windy, but the sunrise was amazing.

I'm very proud of this painting...Marsh grass are my new clouds! This was the first time I've painted tall marsh grass and have been happy with it. I've found it very difficult in pastel and oil. In my opinion, until now, I've failed miserably. 

I love the tall blades of grass, the depth, the warm colors in the grass with the cool highlights. This is one of those paintings that gives me a happy feeling. I really enjoy looking at this one, I hope you do to!


  1. I really love this one, Jeff! I love the format and the perspective - you hit it. It's all clicking with you lately and you are turning out some great paintings - keep up the hard work. Good luck in all of your upcoming shows!!

  2. Thank you Robin! As you know, I was very intimidated by this subject matter...marsh grass has been challenging and I've been struggling with perspective for a few months now. With those two things dominating the composition I was worried, but I'm very happy with the results! Thanks for all your help with the shows, being patient with me, supporting me and believing in me the confidence to move forward!
